Monday, February 18, 2008

ओं सोलर energy

India is the land of sunshine. In most parts of the country we get at least 300 days of sunshine, if not more. Then why don't we use the power of the sun to fulfil our energy needs? Why are we so dependent on conventional sources of energy?

We have a Ministry of New and Renewable Energy but the common man doesn't seem to know or want to do anything to harness this energy. I just came across this magazine called AKSHAY URJA that is devoted to alternate sources of energy. Pretty interesting and informative.

Do you know that solar energy can be used not just to heat water but also to distill water and purify it. With the help of the sun we can cook our food using solar cookers. You can dry your agricultural and food products using solar-powered dryers. We can light up our houses and heat water using solar power.

The government should step in by settting an example. It should insist that all government buildings and institutions adopt solar energy and use eco-friendly products. At the same time they should also insist on using eco-friendly cars like the Bangalore-based REVA which runs on electricity. This could possibly lead to a decrease in the price of the little electric car and that in turn will give RATAN TATA's a run for his money and a no no to his NANO.